A cancer diagnosis can affect your mental health, it can bring up feelings of anxiety, depression, distress, and even loneliness. The uncertainty and stress of going through cancer can feel like a never-ending battle. During cancer treatment, it is important to not only take care of your mental health but make it a priority. 

While you should take daily steps to ensure you prioritize your mental health, it can also be helpful to take a “mental health day” and really immerse yourself in the experience. Stepping away from your responsibilities and stress can help you recharge and give your mind and body a break.

Spend time outside: 

Sometimes, exercise can be difficult during cancer treatment, but getting outside should still be a top priority. The fresh air can be very beneficial for your mental health. Whether this means taking a stroll around your neighborhood or hiking with a loved one, time spent outside can be a great way to relax your mind. 

Use your creativity:

Releasing your creativity can be a great way to relax your mind. You can draw, paint, knit, or do whatever your imagination tells you to. Try out a recipe you have been really wanting to or spend the day cozied up putting together a puzzle.


Releasing your emotions is essential when going through cancer treatment. Many doctors recommend having a cancer journal to put down all of your feelings. You can spend some time writing down your feelings in the morning and trying to release them before taking on the rest of the day. 

Do something you love:

This is different for everyone. Sometimes, going through something as difficult as cancer treatment can put your favorite things on the back burner. Take this day to prioritize them again. Go shopping, go to a new movie, or just spend time lying on your couch binging your favorite TV show. 


Meditating can be a great escape for the mind. You can medicate at home or even take a meditation class. Another form of meditation is yoga. This is not only a great form of physical activity but can also be a great stress reliever.

Pamper yourself:

Make your mental health day a spa day! Either pamper yourself right at home with a face mask and relaxation or go to your local spa for a facial or massage. Take this time to release your stress physically and mentally.

Sleep in:

So often, you have too many responsibilities to allow yourself enough sleep. Sleep is essential when it comes to recovery and allowing your body to heal, especially when going through cancer treatment. Go to bed early or sleep in and get all the beauty rest you need. 

Taking your own mental health day can give your mind and body that sense of relief that it has been needing through your cancer treatment. Take the day and prioritize yourself!


published: Oct. 1, 2024, 3:59 p.m.

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